Hey, darlings, Happy Thursday and welcome back to a whole new week of I AM GREATNESS!! This week I am introducing, Shavone Riggins, another fabulous business woman in the beauty space. Check out her full interview with me and hopefully she will inspire you as you grow your own beauty brand…

1- Can you tell my readers a little bit about yourself? I’m a mom of many (six children), a woman of God, and entrepreneur of 8 years who enjoys turning dreams into reality, empowering women, travel and a good book.

2- What’s a normal day like for you? A normal day for me is awakening in being thankful for another day. Then on to starting my day with seeing to my families needs and then off into business to-dos.

3- What inspired you to start your business? My inspiration to start Curlkalon was to solve the issue of protective styling with crochet braids in a safe, affordable and effortless way. I was that woman spending hours on hours brushing, rolling, dipping and cooking hair to achieve and natural looking curly style. I knew there had to be a better way, so I created it!

4- What are some of the challenges you face as a woman in business:  Being a black woman with a primer synthetic hair product in a predominately Asian based industry has brought along some challenges.

5- Running a business is not easy how do you stay motivated? I wake up with a positive attitude every morning! I’m always faced at where I used to be and where I’m at today in being an inspiration to family and many others. So, looking forward at what’s to come keeps me motivated!

6-What are three things that no one told you about being an entrepreneur? I’ve been an entrepreneur since 2005. I don’t come from a family of entrepreneurs, so there was not a blueprint for me, but from what I have learned as an entrepreneur is that:

1- Have faith over fear
2- Never take no for an answer (it’s just that person or company that can’t provide what you need)
3- Research before making final decisions

7- What advice would you give to your much younger self? I would tell the younger me to be slow down, place the future ahead of you as you decide and to listen more to your gut.

8-What’s Next For you and your business? For Curlkalon it’s growth and development. I’m glad we have reached the 2-year mark and we’re looking forward to executing key and major ideas in being the go-to beauty in hair protective styling. I’m excited to launch my personal brand shavoneriggins.com in a few months to empower, inspire and motivate women to live life on the foundation of passion and purpose as they pursue entrepreneurship.

9- What are some of your favorite inspirational quotes?

Allow your dreams of the life you desire to be the passion that drives your purpose! – Shavone Riggins

You get what you put out. – unknown

No regrets, just lessons – unknown

10-Any words of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs? Keep faith over and fear and know that what you see and dream is available to you too. Always do the research and drop the ideas of what others expect of you to be and be YOU!

Finish this sentence; I am greatness because…. through all things I acknowledge that my journey is bigger than just me, therefore, what I do is not only to spread good but leave a lasting imprint.

Follow Shavone and her brand on Instagram: as @Curlkalon and personal page as @Shavone_Riggins

Visit Curlkalon Hair online


As always, thank you sooooo much for hanging with ME, here’s to bettering ourselves, being great and doing GREAT THINGS!!! #IAMGREATNESS

Stay Connected with me on Instagram @iampriiincesss

As I like to say; Be a #BADASS…. Live Well, Work Hard and See the world in Style.

**Live YOUR Best Life**


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